Lebkuchen Defiance

Members of the German Lebkuchen are genetic activists, fighters for the rights of cloned human beings. Speed-grown clones (‘proles’) were used as colonists until they went on a murdering spree on Paydirt in 2151. After some investigation it was revealed that the force- grown clones were all sociopaths - emotionally illiterate, troubled, and without any sense of morality or conscience. For a new batch of proles implanted training and memory programs were utilized, but colonists no longer trusted these corporate slaves. They are, today, a second-class person, tolerated in places, reviled in others. Proles have a built-in four-year lifespan. Lebkuchen fight to give them human rights.

When Lebkuchen activists broke in to the facilities of Haruna Corporation in Munich, 2209, they discovered human clones being held captive. Haruna had lucrative contracts with millionaires and billionaires to clone their bodies as a source of organs for organ replacement. The clones or ‘replicants’ were a product of forced growth and kept in a coma until their organs were needed for donation. Assisted by a scientist on the inside of Haruna, the activists freed the replicants, awakened them from
their induced comas and then paid members of the Snakeheads people-smuggling crime gang, to provide new IDs for them. Lebkuchen had no idea what they were dealing with, however, and the replicants rebelled, killing and torturing many of their ‘saviors’ before fleeing across Europe. Some maintained links with the Snakeheads to become emotionless gang members and assassins-for-hire. Many innocent people were killed in the replicant uprising of 2209 and police were able to shoot several of them dead.

Today there are believed to be almost 320 clones roaming free, some in the service of the Snakeheads, whilst others masquerade as normal human beings using their forged Snakehead identities. At any moment they might flip, causing destruction, pain and death before fleeing the scene and adopting yet another identity. They cannot be reasoned with, retrained or rehabilitated. Replicants are feared – and executed as soon as they are identified.

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