mRNA Probe

Core Worlds, 2225 AD


Advanced alien ruins were found in 2225 in the Perdurabo system. An ice sample was bought by Tharsis’ Parkfield Biolabs, which contained RNA that can be used to cure early dementia caused by frequent faster than light travel. The RNA named Neuroplasticity Augmentor Sequence (NAS-RNA), however, the RNA cannot be easily replicated in laboratory. For this reason, the discovery was not made public yet, and Tharsis has been moving fast to evaluate the feasibility to establish an ice mine in the system.

If proven feasible, the existence of the BrightsideStation in the system is an advantage. The station is a poorly managed facility that would be easy to purchase if the exploration proves commercially of the play (see Hostile-Setting 82, for detail on the licensing process).

Perdurabo is a system blazing with the murderous light of a red giant star. The hard-bitten miners of the Brightside Mining Station maintain the only outpost of civilisation in a system filled with lethal light and stellar outlaws. Ancient asteroid sky tombs lie in the vicinity while a seething rebellion boils beneath Brightside Station’s steel skin.


Contract signed with Tharsis Mining Supervisor for Ice Exploration John McLeod.

You are the crew going to Perdurabo. You main goal is to execute the Exploration Framework that enables the commercial evaluation of the Ice Mine play. Non-disclosed milestones, that will be paid off books, is infiltrating and deteriorating the leadership of Brightside Mining Station, so its later acquisition is even cheaper.

Contracted roles and milestones are detailed below. Monthly salary is Salary + Multiplier x Profession Rank. Each milestone pays a bonus of a number of times the crew monthly salary. The crew will have a LTDA company where they are the shareholders.

Basic ship maintenance & fuel is paid by shipowner, additional repairs & fuels are paid by the LTDA (discounted for contract payment).

Ship must dock for life support supplies every 6 weeks (max life support is 2 months). Work shifts are 12x12, 7 days a week. You will carry a holographic AI suitcase to speak with the GM weekly on Saturdays. Replacements (in case of sickness or indisposition) will be sent from the fastest system where they can be available.

Crew member Contracted profession Undercover role Ship department Base Multiplier
Olaf CMT / O&M (Spacer rank 2) - Captain 3000 1000
Oni Pilot (Technician rank 1) - Bridge 3000 200
Dirk Chief Eng. (Roughneck rank 0) - Engineering 4500 800
Sabaka Comms (Technician rank 0) Corporate agent (spy) Comms 3000 200
Oliver Doc / guns (Technician rank 0) Corporate agent (assassin) Gunnery 3000 200

Exploration framework and milestones

  1. Prospection
    1. Theoretical study (completed outside the contract)
    2. Topography mapping
    3. Geological mapping
    4. Geochemical surveys, sampling
    5. Biochemical surveys, sampling
    6. Milestone: prospection completed (5x)
  2. Exploration
    1. Pre mining surveys
    2. Space environment study
    3. Mining sites tests
    4. Mine discovery site
    5. Appraisal sites survey
    6. Milestone: pre-appraisal (5x)
    7. Mine appraisal site 1
    8. Mine appraisal site 2
    9. Mine appraisal site 3
    10. Milestone: exploration completed, contract delivered (10x)
  3. Production (out of scope for this contract)
  4. Off books
    1. Milestone: Information on how to take down current directorship (1x)
    2. Milestone: Information on who can be trusted to take take the directorship role (2x)
    3. Milestone: Take down current directorship (10x)
  5. Extras
    1. All ore you find is property of Tharsis, and you need to refine it and set for delivery in Brightside. You will be compensated with 10% of its base price.

Mission kick off meeting in Earth’s largest starport in French Guiana.

Perdurian Frostbreaker

Link to Frostbreaker

Certificate of Flight

This is to certify that the mission "Perdurian Frostbreaker 2"

Registration Number: SGX-4721-IPB

is authorized and cleared for operations on the Perdurabo system for the purpose of ice mine exploration. This certification is valid for a duration of one standard Earth year, beginning on the date of issuance. It can be renewed every year for 2 additional years.

Captain: Olaf Gustafson

Ship ID: ECS Starbounder Frostbreaker GSV-112578

Crew ID: Doomborgs

Date of Issuance: September 20, 2225

By the authority of the Mining Regulatory Agency, this restricted license certificate grants the holder the right to navigate the asteroids of Perdurabo with the aforementioned starship. It is understood that the crew of the starship shall adhere to all safety protocols, follow mining regulations, and report any unusual discoveries or incidents to the Consortium immediately.

This certificate is subject to revocation in the event of safety violations or any activities deemed harmful to the Consortium's interests.

Safe travels and may your ice mining endeavors yield bountiful resources.

Authorized by:

Director Seraphina Thornblade
Director of the Mining Regulatory Agency
Date: September 20, 2225

Small letters:
- Payment 30 days after returning the Frostbreaker in similar conditions, and the AI Briefcase. Failure to do so, will incur fine of 600 kC for the Frostbreaker and 150 kC for the AI Briefcase.

On the evening before the mission kick-off meeting with Tharsis Mining Manager for Ice Exploration John McLeod, the Doomborgs crew find a scientist from Haruna tied to a bomb in the toilets of a bar in French Guiana. They learn of the animosity of the Lebkuchen activists against Haruna’s cloning endeavours. After all that is sorted, they decide to bet on Olaf in a boxing ring, which proves to be successful.

On the next day they finally meet with John McLeod, and preparations for the travel to Perdurabo start.

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