Modular SRD v0.5.0 (CHANGELOG): This modular ruleset is a hack of Cairn 2e, by Yochai Gal. This is a Mark of the Odd game, inspired by Chris McDowall’s Into The Odd. Templated repository is available at System text licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Character Creation

  1. If you are creating a new party, define a cohesive group concept with the other players.
  2. Make a copy of the Character Sheet for your use.
  3. Roll or choose your Background. Use the tables on each background.
  4. Roll or choose your Bond.
  5. Roll 3d6 for each Attribute. You can swap two values.
  6. Roll 1d6 for your Hit Protection.
  7. Define a previous contact you had with one of the existing Characters.

Alternatively, roll one of the pre-generated characters.


Your Culture informs what Backgrounds you may take.

You carry winter clothes.

What is your Background? Roll a d10.
1:2 - Scrapers
3:5 - Spitalians
6:7 - Anabaptists
8 - Cossacks
9 - Apocalyptics
0 - Rarogi


Bonds tie you to someone else and the world. You may resolve your Bond, and will be awarded Growth. Once resolved, you may roll a new Bond.

Roll a d4 and a d6.

1,1 The AMNESIAC: does not remember their past. Take 5.000 AD or CD. Someone will come to collect their debt.
1,2 The ADVENTURER is a restless soul, forever chasing the edge of the map and the thrill of the unknown, where fear is not an enemy but a trusted ally. For them, the dull weight of routine is a death knell, and only in the shadow of forgotten ruins and the depths of uncharted passages do they feel alive. Take a Motorbike and a Heavy Metal Cassete (petty).
1,3 The CREATOR defies the inevitable decay of all things, driven to craft enduring monuments that preserve their name and legacy against the sands of time. They work tirelessly to master the grandest challenges, whether building monoliths, fortifying villages, or rekindling the Stream, each creation a testament to their worth. What compels you to keep building when the world itself seems intent on erasing everything?
1,4 The MENTOR is the bridge between past and future, immortalising themselves by instilling knowledge and curiosity into chosen disciples. They cultivate understanding, shaping minds to carry their work forward and uphold the cycle of learning that elevates humanity. How do you protect the flame of knowledge that the world threatens to extinguish?
1,5 The MARTYR finds strength in sacrifice, standing unwavering where others falter, their actions a beacon of resolve and unyielding faith. They charge into the storm, armoured by principles that inspire hope and shield the vulnerable, refusing to surrender even in the face of despair. You have weak Nanites in your blood, and a Portable Dialysis Device. Transfer d6 STR when you use it.
1,6 The RULER is a master of order, wielding control as both shield and blade to tame the chaos of a disobedient world. They bear the burden of leadership, holding tight to the reins of power and making decisions that others dare not, fearing the ruin that delegation might bring. Take a Signet Ring (petty) that commands respect and calls for obligations.
2,1 The SEEKER is consumed by questions of existence, driven to unravel the mysteries of the past and present before time slips away. They delve into forgotten ruins and cutting-edge labs, dissecting enigmas to uncover truths no one else dares to seek. Take a Hard Drive that has “RG” written on it.
2,2 The HEALER battles tirelessly against the world’s collapse, mending broken bodies, barren soil, and shattered minds with relentless care. They strive to rebuild what has fallen, ensuring their work endures and stands firm against future ruin. When all seems beyond saving, what will reignite your hope to keep fighting?
2,3 The TRADITIONALIST clings to the past, finding safety and meaning in ancient rules that shield humanity from chaos and anarchy. They strive to preserve order, refusing to adapt or compromise, believing the answers to today’s struggles lie in yesterday’s wisdom. When the old ways no longer suffice, who can help you preserve tradition?
2,4 The MEDIATOR seeks harmony through understanding, speaking for all sides and bridging divides with calm reasoning. They navigate conflict with patience and logic, setting aside emotion to uncover common ground and resolve disputes. Take a Guitar. You spread tranquility when you play it.
2,5 The HERMIT shuns the noise of the world, finding solace in solitude and freedom in the absence of responsibility to others. They retreat to the fringes, content to live alone, untouched by the chatter and stories of those they disdain. Take a Pneuma Pump, iron lungs for extreme conditions.
2,6 The HERETIC thrives on doubt, tearing down sacred beliefs and questioning the foundations of rules and traditions. They revel in rebellion and chaos, seeking to shatter civilisation’s stagnant ideals and lead others into defiance. When their actions ignite the fires of revolution, you embrace the destruction or guide what rises from the ashes?
3,1 The CONQUEROR thrives in the clash of powers, seeing every struggle as a chance to dominate and every choice as a step toward victory. Fuelled by unshakable hubris, they scoff at modesty and morality, believing only triumph defines worth. You carry a Key (petty) to one of RG’s bunkers. You don’t know which.
3,2 The ABOMINATION is a shadow of humanity, broken and twisted, thriving on the unease and terror he ignites in others. He revels in their fear, lost in his own madness and fantasies, a feral beast unbound by compassion or responsibility. Once, you saved a Psychonault, who gave you a Piece (petty) of them. Call it through the ether, and the debt will be paid.
3,3 The DESTROYER is chaos incarnate, driven by the belief that only through annihilation can something new arise. Consumed by madness, he sees enemies everywhere, relentlessly pursuing and eradicating them, never pausing to witness what grows in his wake. Take a Suitcase Nuke (bulky) that can obliterate a small building.
3,4 The CHOSEN walks the world wrapped in the mantle of destiny, believing himself the answer to every question and the saviour for all who follow. His words inspire fervor, casting him as a messiah to some and a fraud to others, whom he damns for their disbelief. You are accompanied by a Dog.
3,5 The DEFILER seethes with envy, unable to bear the joy, beauty, or strength of others, finding purpose only in tearing them down. He thrives in sowing discord and misery, dragging others into the muck to reflect his own turmoil. Take a Letter (petty) that exposes someone of higher rank in your Cult or Clan.
3,6 The PROTECTOR is a steadfast guardian, standing like an unyielding tower before the treasures he holds dear, whether people, artefacts, or ideas. His purpose is preservation, dedicating his life to shielding what matters most, even at the cost of his own. Take a Shield (1 Armour) with artistic carvings.
4,1 The VISIONARY peers beyond the veil of time, his mind grasping the threads of the future as he strives to guide humanity toward a brighter destiny. With intellect and foresight, he implores reason and challenges disbelief, paving the way for progress through unwavering conviction. Take a Bygone Lantern that needs no fuel or charge. It fails 1-in-6 times.
4,2 The ZEALOT burns with unwavering devotion, drawing strength from a faith so fierce it scorches everything in its path. He endures suffering and sacrifices all for his religion or ideology, proving his worth through relentless acts of belief. Take an Amulet (petty) from the origins of your Cult or Clan.
4,3 The DISCIPLE is a wanderer on the endless ocean of knowledge, forever pursuing forgotten truths and the wisdom of the Bygones. Though rich in learning and diverse in skills, his insatiable curiosity leaves him unable to settle on a single path. When faced with the need to choose, how do you continue drifting in search of more?
4,4 The RIGHTEOUS walks a path of unyielding moral clarity, dividing the world into absolutes of good and evil, guided by a pure conscience. Judging all without hesitation or doubt, he sees himself as the arbiter of faith and law, enforcing his vision of justice at every turn. When his righteousness is challenged, what makes you hold steadfast to your beliefs?
4,5 The TRAVELER is a restless soul, forever seeking growth through the vast tapestry of the world and its people, sharing stories and news as he forges connections between the isolated and the civilised. Each step along the road fuels his longing for the next, carrying both joy and despair to those he meets. Take a Map (petty). With it you are never lost in your region.
4,6 Roll twice and combine the bonds. You can choose one of the items.

Bonds are based on Degenesis Archetypes (Apocalyptic Tarot).


Each of the three Attributes are used in different circumstances. (See Saves, below).

  • Strength (STR): Used for saves requiring physical power, like lifting heavy things, bending and breaking, resisting poison, endurance, stamina etc.
  • Dexterity (DEX): Used for saves requiring poise, speed, reflexes, wits, coolness, sneaking, balancing, using complex tech etc.
  • Willpower (WIL): Used for saves to persuade, deceive, interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, manipulate unknown powers, dealing with heavy intellectual activities etc.

Attributes are not universal descriptors. A character with a low STR is not necessarily hopelessly weak; they can still attempt to lift a heavy door or survive a deadly fight! Their risk is simply higher.

Attribute Loss

Attributes may be reduced during play.

  • If a PC takes damage outside of combat, they should instead receive damage to an Attribute, typically STR. If a PC’s STR is reduced to 0, they die.
  • DEX loss relates to physical harm that is not fatal, but makes you less able. When DEX reaches 0 you are incapacitated.
  • Exertion or interacting with the Primer reduces your WIL. When WIL reaches 0, you are broken.

Hit Protection

  • Roll 1d6 to determine your PC’s starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. It does not indicate a character’s health or fortitude, nor do they lose it for very long. See Healing & Recovery.
  • If an attack would take a PC’s HP exactly to 0, the player must roll on the Scars table.
  • If you are unaware of harm, you are Exposed, and your HP is set to 0 until you become aware.


A save is a roll to avoid negative outcomes from risky choices. Characters roll a d20 and compare the results to the appropriate attribute. If they roll equal to or under that attribute, they succeed. Otherwise, they fail.

Many risks that call for a save bypass HP altogether. Communicate the risk clearly to your players if they have a chance to decide on a different course of action.

If two opponents are each trying to overcome the other, both parties roll and the highest successful save wins. If two characters need to take an action together, whoever is most at risk should save (usually the character with the lowest relevant Attribute).

Task Resolution

When a player attempts to do something such as pick a lock, drive a speeder, or hack a computer, three task resolution factors should be taken into consideration: training, tools, and time. 

  • If a player has all three: training (inferred from background, a skill, etc.), appropriate tools (an item), and enough time (usually 10 mins), they will alway succeed. 
  • If a player is missing one of the above, a Save might be appropriate, with a failed save resulting in a consequence, such as getting caught, breaking the tool, or not being able to solve the problem. 
  • If a player is missing two of the above, it is usually impossible to resolve the task at hand, or the results of failing a Save could potentially be very dangerous.

Advantage & Disadvantage

When a character has some sort of leverage or is at some sort of handicap, and a save is required, give them enhanced success or reduced failure for Advantage and mixed success or disastrous failure for Disadvantage.

Healing & Recovery

  • Resting for a few moments and having a drink of water restores lost HP but may leave the party exposed. Bandages can stabilise a character that has taken critical damage.
  • Attribute loss (see Critical Damage) can usually be restored with a week’s rest, facilitated by a healer or other appropriate source of expertise.
  • Some healing services are free, more expedient means of recovery may come at a cost.

Deprivation & Fatigue

  • A PC that lacks a crucial need (such as food or rest in a safe spot) is Deprived. Anyone Deprived for more than a day gains a Fatigue, one for each day. A Deprived PC cannot recover HP, Attributes, or from Fatigue.
  • A PC may also be forced to gain Fatigue after using Potentials or due to events occurring in the fiction. Fatigue is recovered at the rate of one per day (except when Deprived).



When the PCs encounter an NPC whose reaction to the party is not obvious, the Warden may roll 2d6 and consult the following table:

2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12
Hostile Wary Curious Kind Helpful


  • Enemies must pass a WIL save to avoid fleeing when they take their first casualty and again when they lose half their number.
  • Some groups may use their leader’s WIL in place of their own. Lone foes must save when they’re reduced to 0 HP.
  • Morale does not affect PCs.


  • Adventuring parties can recruit hirelings, relying on their unique skills, knowledge, and training to aid in expeditions.
  • Choose an appropriate Background and name. Roll (or choose from) the tables for that background. Then roll for Attributes and HP.

Die of Fate

  • Optionally, roll 1d6 whenever the outcome of an event is uncertain or to simulate an element of randomness and chance.
  • A roll of 4 or more generally favors the PCs, while a roll of 3 or under usually means bad luck for the PCs.



  • A Round is roughly ten seconds of in-game time and and proceeds with each side taking turns. Each round starts with any PC that is able to act, followed by their opponents. The result of each side’s actions occur simultaneously.
  • During the first round of combat, each PC must make a DEX save in order to act. Special circumstances, abilities, items, or skills may negate this requirement. PCs that fail their save lose their turn for this round.
  • Their opponents then take their turn, and the first round ends. The next round begins with the PCs taking their turn, followed by their opponents, and so on until combat has ended with one side defeated or fled.


On their turn, a character may move up to 40ft and take up to one action. This may be casting a spell, attacking, moving for a second time, or some other reasonable action. Each round, the PCs declare what they are doing before dice are rolled. If a character attempts something risky, the Warden calls for a save for appropriate players or NPCs.

Attacking & Damage

  • The attacker rolls their weapon die and subtracts the target’s Armour, then deals the remaining total to their opponent’s HP. Attacks in combat automatically hit.
  • If multiple attackers target the same foe, roll all damage dice and keep the single highest result. All actions are declared before being resolved.
  • If an attack would take a PC’s HP exactly to 0, refer to the Scars table to see how they are uniquely impacted.


Weapons have a damage die.

d4 Impaired attacks
d6 Small weapons
d8 Medium weapons
d10 Large weapons
d12 Enhanced attacks

Weapons also may have tags.

Bulky Needs 2 hands
Advanced Ignore non-advanced Armour
Blast Harms multiple opponents (roll damage die for the number)
Non-lethal Targets DEX after HP

For ranges, use what is narratively appropriate.


  • Shields and similar armour provide a bonus defence (e.g. +1 Armour), but only while the item is held or worn. Some may also provide additional benefits, depending on the fiction.
  • A PC, NPC, or monster cannot have more than 3 Armour.
1 Light  
2 Medium Bulky.
3 Heavy Bulky, noisy, reduced awareness.
+1 Shield Occupies one hand.

Attack Modifiers

  • If fighting from a position of weakness (such as through cover or with bound hands), the attack is Impaired, and the attacker must roll 1d4 damage regardless of the attacks damage die. Unarmed attacks always do d4 damage.
  • If fighting from a position of advantage (such as against a helpless foe or through a daring manoeuvre), the attack is Enhanced, allowing the attacker to roll 1d12 damage instead of their normal die.
  • Attacks with the Blast quality affect all targets in the noted area, rolling separately for each affected character. This can be anything from explosions to a dragon’s breath or the impact of a meteorite. If unsure how many targets can be affected, roll the related damage die for a result.
  • If attacking with two weapons at the same time, roll both damage dice and keep the single highest result (denoted with a plus symbol, e.g. d8+d8).

Critical Damage

  • Damage that reduces a target’s HP below zero is subtracted from their STR by the amount of damage remaining. The target must then immediately make a STR save to avoid taking Critical Damage, using their new STR score. On a success, the target is still in the fight (albeit with a lower STR score) and must continue to make critical damage saves when incurring damage.
  • When a PC suffers Critical Damage, look up the damage die result on the Wounds Table. NPCs and monsters that fail a Critical Damage save may be considered dead, per the Warden’s discretion. Additionally, some enemies have special abilities or effects that are triggered when their target fails a Critical Damage save.

The Wound Table is copied from the Liminal Horror SRD, available under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.

Character Death

  • When a character dies, the player should create a new character or take control of a hireling. They immediately join the party in order to reduce downtime.


  • Large groups of similar combatants fighting together are treated as a single Detachment. When a detachment takes Critical Damage, it is routed or significantly weakened. When it reaches 0 STR, it is destroyed.
  • Attacks against detachments by individuals are impaired (excluding blast damage). Attacks against individuals by detachments are enhanced and deal blast damage.


  • Running away from a dire situation always requires a successful DEX save, as well as a safe destination to run to.

Ranged Attacks

  • Ranged weapons can target any enemy near enough to see the whites of their eyes. Attacks against especially distant targets are Impaired.
  • Ammunition is not tracked unless otherwise specified.


If damage to a PC would reduce their HP to exactly 0, look up the result on the table below based on the amount of HP lost in the attack. For example, if a PC went from 3 HP to 0 HP, they would look at entry #3 (Walloped).

HP Lost Result
1 Lasting Scar: Roll 1d6. 1: Neck, 2: Hands, 3: Eye, 4: Chest, 5: Legs, 6: Ear. Roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
2 Rattling Blow: You’re disoriented and shaken. Describe how you refocus. Roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
3 Walloped: You’re sent flying and land flat on your face, winded. You are deprived until you rest for a few hours. Then, roll 1d4. Add that amount to your max HP.
4 Broken Limb: Roll 1d6. 1-2: Leg, 3-4: Arm, 5: Rib, 6: Skull. Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
5 Diseased: You’re afflicted with a gross, uncomfortable infection. When you get over it, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
6 Reorienting Head Wound: Roll 1d6. 1-2: STR, 3-4: DEX, 5-6: WIL. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your current attribute, take the new result.
7 Hamstrung: You can barely move until you get serious help and rest. After recovery, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max DEX, take the new result.
8 Deafened: You cannot hear anything until you find extraordinary aid. Regardless, make a WIL save. If you pass, increase your max WIL by 1d4.
9 Re-brained: Some hidden part of your psyche is knocked loose. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max WIL, take the new result.
10 Sundered: An appendage is torn off, crippled, or useless. (The Warden will tell you which.) Then make a WIL save. If you pass, increase your max WIL by 1d6.
11 Mortal Wound: You are deprived and out of action. You die in one hour unless healed. Upon recovery, roll 2d6. Take the new result as your max HP.
12 Doomed: Death seemed ever so close, but somehow you survived. If your next save against critical damage is a fail, you die horribly. If you pass, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.


When you are exposed to the primer, or take Burn, you suffer Spore Infestation. Environment suits and masks reduce the impact of Spore Infestation, analog to how Armour does for combat. Spore Infestation reduces WIL.

If though a Spore Infestation your WIL becomes equal or lower than your Fatigue, a cultural stigma blooms. Look up the amount of WIL lost on the table below, and then roll on the adequate Sepsis Mutation table. As your cultural stigma fades away, your mutation manifests. The development is complete when your WIL is recovered fully. Increase your minimum Fatigue in 1.

1 Roll on the favourable mental mutation table
2 Roll on the favourable physical mutation table
3 Roll on the detrimental mental mutation table
4+ Roll on the detrimental physical mutation table


Depending on the environment you are, you might be dealt Spore Infestation.

d4 Equivalent to a daily dose Burn
d6 Spore mist in hi-risk zones
d8 Sporination in adult spore field
d10 Sporination in mother spore field
d12 Sporination in the Earth Chakras


The amount and frequency of how you deal Primer infection establishes the tone and pacing of your game. It is a dial to control how fast characters change. The recommendation is to deal the values above once per day, when characters are exposed.

Types of Burn

Different types of Burn are harvested depending on Earth Chakra proximity.

BION Pollen brings cold and hunger, while Bion offers warmth and comfort. One deep breath from the goat skin connects the person to the land, revitalising them with cold winds and minimal sustenance as their body fills with life force. The Burner shakes off illness and poison, feels no cold or hunger. Effect lasts one day and removes the Deprived condition.

Sepsis Mutations

Spore Infestation mechanics are based on Oddular Mechanics by Chris McDowall and Fallout from Liminal Horror. Sepsis Mutation tables are copied from The Metamorphica (Classic Edition) for private use only. The PDF can be acquired as PWYW for descriptions on each mutation.