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Nikopol - May 8, 2594
A Political Game
Commando Prime Klaus, a man of measured resolve, aligns with Elder Ivan, seeking a scapegoat for the calamity that claimed Zofia. One name must bear the weight of the tragedy, a sacrifice to ease the guilt choking the air. Only through this exchange of blame can the Clique gain Nikopol’s gates, now tightly shut against them.
Meanwhile, Konrad Jager becomes the focus of some of his Spitalian superiors’ ire. Their sharp words echo in the sterile halls, calling him blind for allowing Zofia and her Psychonaut taint into their midst. He stands silent.
Furor Pax and Elder Anastasia weaves their influence alongside Klaus and Purifier Harlem. In a closed council they determine to name an Anabaptist as the transgressor, a concession that leaves Harlem simmering—he would have gladly named a Spitalian instead.
The Anabaptist leader, Adriana, succumbs to her wounds. Commando Prime, with a voice heavy as a tombstone, proposes Isolde step into the void, sharing the council’s reins with Anastasia and Purifier Harlem.
The Clique’s New Duties in Nikopol
The Clique’s uneasy acceptance into Nikopol’s fold carries its weight in obligations:
- The Woyins: Guardians of Nikopol. Prokhor is the contact.
- The Zemlyaks: Harvesters, miners and lifeblood for Nikopol’s survival. Their contact is Bodgan “Detina”.
- The Postachi: Traders and emissaries, bridge-builders to the outside chaos. Orest is the contect.
Secrets Beneath the Square
The earth trembles beneath Founders’ Square, a subtle quake after Zofia’s shout. Tasked to fortify the fragile underpinnings of the square, the Clique meets Bogdam, who casts wary eyes on the shifting ground. Sasha’s poisoned words sow doubt in Bogdam’s mind—was this tremor truly an act of nature, or the calculated ploy of the Streltsys? Or perhaps a shadowy gambit from Prokhor, who may know of the ancient automata?
The truth is whispered, not spoken. Bogdam guides his companions to a revelation buried deep: the hidden staircase, winding downward into Lubos’ forbidden workshop. There, in the depths, a hundred lifeless automata await resurrection. Amid the hiss of melting African gold coins and the sharp scent of Kievan artifacts, Lubos and Rayina labor in defiance of their pasts, exiles from the Protectorate now daring to awaken the dead machines.
On her way out, Anastasia finds a small artefact in one of the crates, and takes it to compliment her collection of paraphernalia.