Scouting to Cherasky
East Pollen - April 2, 2594
A detachment from the Protectorate Clique is tasked to scout the way to the ruins of Cherasky.
- IsoldePax, an Anabaptist Furor woman who believed this mission to be blessed.
- Ignatius Volker, an Spitalian Femulancer man.
- Researcher ElaraNyx, an Spitalian Femulancer woman.
The first two days bring good omens.
- The terrible gossamer and wasteland give way to a light grassland, with easy to find campgrounds.
- The chilly spring weather warms up and nice days with clear nights are welcomed by the scouts.
- In one of the campgrounds, they find traces of previous travellers, children’s clothes and footprints of a few teenagers. Ignatius and Elara’s mollusk tremble, indicating presence of Primer matter.
The following days see worsening weather, and the region is washed out by torrential rain which turns into snow as the temperature continue to drop.
- Camping on mud does not allow the scouts to rest well.
- During Ignatius watch, three teenagers approach the camp, and the mollusk again spasms. They try to greet Ignatius, who intimidate them to go away from under his mask.
- Ignatius does not mention the encounter to his companions.
Travelling through mud and snow, tired, Isolde prays with fervour for their endurance – and she seems to be heard.
- A sole Fruit from a Fractal Forest is found, laying down on dry soil. Ignatius takes it but is convinced to give it to Isolde.
- As the group observes the fruit, flames ablaze what looks like a Fractal Forest in the northeast.
- The three scouts are not distracted, and finish their march, arriving at the empty ruins of Cherasky.